Why I Chose Digital Design?

To answer the question why I pick digital design is more of a simple answer. I felt like this was what I needed to do, when in high school I took a digital design class for the first time. I fell in love with this type of Art. This was not the generic type of art that people think when they hear “art student.”When I first tried digital design in high school I knew it was for me. It just felt so natural and everyone liked my designs. To be fair I went to a school that was meant for stem, but I just felt digital design is the field that I need to go into when I get a job. I also thought of that when I was applying to colleges. I was not just passionate about digital design but I was also passionate about photography and regular art. At first it was kind of scary to tell my mom that I was going to become an art major in college because I felt she wouldn’t think that I would make a lot of money when I graduate. So, in a way this is a gamble. But I feel it is not, at the same time. This is because I am really passionate about what I am doing in digital design.I felt I needed to do something that I was passionate about because in the long run I would love doing my job. Compared to if I became a doctor, accountant, or anything else. Because I love what I do it will make my days go easier and I will have more fun. And in my life I want to make sure that I love what I do and have fun with everything that I do because you can never take life too seriously.

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