IOS Case Study

  1. Project Brief
    My task in this project was to make an IOS app that helps to tackle civic issues in the world.
  2. My Project Idea
    My idea for my app was an app to help with the strengthening of the social safety net. My idea to help this social safety net was an app that rewards those who use the app with the resources they need by collecting and helping the environment. With my app, users are able to take a picture of a bag of trash they have collected around their neighborhood by tracking steps to earn points that they can redeem to gain benefits from the government or gain resources they need such as gift cards and other things. For example, a user can take a picture of the trash they have collected and submit it to the app and it will allow them to earn credits in the app to redeem prizes such as the benefits. I found this idea interesting because it was a way for people that are less fortunate or even fortunate to gain rewards for doing good deeds that help the environment.
  3. Description Of My Work
    My approach to this project was finding an app that was similar to my idea. In this way I can sort of copy or replicate the way that the app was created in order to make my idea successful. Once I found an app that was similar to my idea I had the base layer of what I want in my app to be and feel like.Some other tasks I had to complete were creating a logo and making a persona that I could use as a test dummy on my app. A software that I used with Adobe XD and a site that I found on the internet that allows you to create websites for free. 
  4. Design research
    A big part of my research was just competitive analysis and creating a logo for my app. I did not do as much as creating a flowchart or screen sketches because I did not feel like I needed to do these because I already knew my general idea and what I wanted my app to look like. 

6. Individual screen designs

7. Usability research findings

How I ran my own moderated remote usability test was to send my app link to some friends and have them go through my app and let me know what I needed to work on and what worked well on my app.

 What I needed to work on in my app I was making sure that everything was legible. Some colors did not work well with the background While others did. Some parts of the app were hard to read due to a darker background color which I needed to change as well. 

I prioritize my design updates by changing it multiple times and seeing what changes I like the most. Some people also had the same complaints about the app which I changed automatically. Ultimately, it was under my control so whatever I deemed worthy that is what I picked.